
Speed Dating in Chicago, Illinois 60611

Chicago attendees of speed dating in Illinois enjoying the event!

PinstripesA Pre-Dating Speed Dating Illinois Venue

Italian-American fare, bowling & bocce in a sprawling space with indoor & outdoor seating & a bar. Tasty food, relaxed atmosphere, wood fired pizza, bocci and bowling. The perfect blend of atmosphere, relaxed fun, modern decor and price.

Streetervillle - Located in River East Plaza

Some street parking. Valet starts at $16 per car for 3 hours, or the Bennett Street Garage -- just east of us on the opposite side of the street, same pricing, but our host desk has validation tickets for 20% off.

435 East Illinois Street
Chicago, IL 60611

Pinstripes in ChicagoSpeed Dating Events

Single Events At Pinstripes

Singles Age 40-59
Chicago Speed Dating for Singles Age 40s/50s by Pre-Dating

  Wednesday March 19, 2025      6:00 PM    

   435 East Illinois Street
   Chicago, IL 60611

Speed Dating Event in Chicago, Illinois ♥ Come join us at Pinstripes in Streetervillle - Located in River East Plaza, is the perfect place for our speed dating event for people over 40 in Chicago. We'll introduce you to up to 12 potential matches. Talk to each one for a few minutes and see which ones spark your interest. Its just enough time to see if you want to talk more. You'll love Pinstripes with their made from scratch Italian food and after the event try out their Bocce or Bowling. Grab your ticket and we'll see you at the event! ♥

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Pre-Dating Speed Dating, Since 2001. The preeminent singles event company: the oldest, largest, and best singles event company in the USA. Our company has a commitment to excellence and operates with an ethical standard unmatched in the industry. Our Mission is to use our 20+ years of expertise in creating the best event experiences to help singles on their path, seeking relationships. Delivered with excellence, warmth, and friendliness.