Singles in Florida feeling the Sunshine State is difficult for dating are correct! Study Ranks State Worst for Dating
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Florida Is the Worst State for Dating, Study Says — Local Singles Aren’t Shocked
It’s official: If you’re in Florida and looking for love, the future’s not looking too bright.
By Isabel Rivera. June 7, 2024 Originally Published:
A study by Spokeo ranks Florida as the worst state in the U.S. for singles. Illustration by Malte Mueller/Getty Images
If you’re a longtime Florida resident, you know that living in the Sunshine State can look a lot like that toxic ex you hate but just can’t help defend. Sure, the mosquitoes will take you out, but have you had a Pub sub?
Unfortunately for us natives, it seems like our love-hate affair is indicative of a bigger issue in romance. Brace yourselves — the state might be the worst place to find your perfect match.
A recent study ranked Florida as number 50 in its roundup of top states for singles in 2024, and after reading why, we’re not shocked. Data aggregation site Spokeo, which conducted the study to “give hopeless romantics a data-backed starting point,” used modern dating trends to identify which criteria mattered most to today’s bachelors and bachelorettes. Results found that mental health awareness, sociopolitical involvement, and debt sensitivity were the biggest concerns among the dating pool, and in a very expected turn of events, Florida bombed the final.
The state came in dead last for most formal volunteers and most registered voters, so if you dreamed of a protest meet-cute or food-drive first date with your politically active boo, think again. (Note to Floridian men: Schedule a romantic rendezvous with your beau at the polls this November 5. Girls looove a planner!)
If you’ve dipped your toes in the 305’s dating waters, there’s one thought that’s surely crossed your mind: I need a shrink. Unfortunately for you, Florida placed in the bottom ten for most mental health providers per state. As if navigating Miami’s commitment-phobic crowds wasn’t hard enough, I’m expected to do it on my own? Not to mention, the state is notorious for identity theft and fraud, coming in at number seven for the likelihood of becoming a romance scam victim. Catfishing leaves you with enough emotional scarring; Don’t use up your frequent-flier points rebounding from it, too.
All this can leave you feeling unlucky in love, but this might cheer you up! The one category in which Florida ranked in the bottom 50th percentile was state unemployment rates. Luxury dates may just be in your future — that’s if you manage to score one at all.
At this point, you’re very likely considering moving away to find your soulmate. We totally understand, but let’s face the facts. Where else in the U.S. will you find endless beaches to tan on? And don’t get us started on the most ventanitas per capita stats. Before you know it, you’re bargaining your way back here like you did your last situationship because the truth is that once you’re in the Sunshine State, you’re in it for the long haul.
ISABEL RIVERA is a Miami New Times intern for the arts, culture, and music beats. A 305 native, she is pursuing her bachelor’s in digital journalism and minoring in art and English at Florida International University. Rivera’s work is featured in local publications such as the Miami Herald, New Times, Miami Times, and Artburst Miami. When not penning her next story, she can be found working as a managing editor for FIU’s Caplin News, catching up on her endless TBR list, or seeking out all things Magic City.
CONTACT: Isabel Rivera